Chapter 142. Dead

The two magic users engaged in a heated fight as spells flew around, Yuno did his best to not affect the civilians with his fight while Charlotte was without any guilt, she did her best to use Yuno's kindness against him.

"Haha! Let's see how many more you can save," she smiled wickedly as she sent a few ash spears towards a group of civilians who were too shaken to move.

Although Yuno was an accomplished mage, it didn't mean he could keep count of everything that was happening, Charlotte was no pushover as she bombarded him with her cursed magic while using her ash magic.

If it weren't for the better equipment being worn by Yuno, he would have been hurt by now, Charlotte also used the civilians for this precise reason, for her, Yuno was hard to beat because of the weirdness of his clothes that seemed to tank a lot of damage.

She had never seen such a weird piece of magic item such as this, so much so that she even asked him where he got it.

"None of your business!" Yuno shouted back as he used another one of his spells, summoning a giant cyclone that swept up her ash magic, and was headed for her.

Charlotte smiled wickedly as her magic power grew once again while all the civilians started screaming as they fell to the ground in pain.

Their skin which was normal a few moments ago behan turning a pale color as their sockets started drying up, eyes in pain.

Yuno grew serious as he saw this,

'I need to stop this….sylvie.'

Yuno's grimoire opened up as the pages flipped with the sounds of the wind picking up, Charlotte who had the smiled of victory on her face showed a frown as she got ready to face whatever Yuno was about to throw at her.

"You shouldn't have done that! Now pay for it, sylvie!"

A small fairy like being materialised on front of him, the turbid wind picked up once again and turned horrendous as the tree swayed.

Charlotte couldn't stabilise herself, before she could even comprehend what was happening, she was sent flying as Yuno's spell hit her.

Sending her flying far away, the civilians who had been struggling to live finally sighed in relief.

"Nice Job!"

Yuno who heaved a sigh of relief suddenly turned around, finding Robin who was smiling at him.

"Sigh….where is Asta?" Yuno asked.

"He is safe, get these guys to safety and then follow up with Asta, I will deal with anyone that's left," Robin ordered as he left towards the direction where Charlotte flew off to.

He wouldn't let a vile woman like her live, but this wasn't in his hands as the magic knights would want to know who was behind this attack.

It didn't take Robin long to find out where she had landed, through coincidence or fate, she was already dealt with by the time he had arrived.

Robin couldn't help but flash a thumbs up at Charmy who was busying herself with all kinds of foods on the table.

"Would you like some?" Charmy asked, though before he could answer, the piece of food had already disappeared into her mouth.

Robin smiled in awkwardness as he pulled back his outstretched hand.

"Take care of yourself, I need to deal with the others," Robin advised as he left the area and headed back to where Asta was along with the Vermilion Magic knight Captain Fuegoleon's magic power.

'It seems that everyone has gathered together.'


West District.

Asta was heavily injured due to the combined attacks of the five adept mages, although he had done his best to defend his friends and comrades, the other party had taken advantage of that and striked him again and again.

So much so that his equipment finally gave in.

"Huffff…..huffff , I… am not done yet!" Asta yelled.

Though another strike to the stomach sent him barelling toward the ground, just when the last strike that would kill him was about to land.

The magic knight captains had finally arrived followed by the others, this caused the members of the midnight sun to feel a bit pressured.

"Voltas, it's time we retreat, we can't fight all of them," one of them advised.

Just as Nozel used his magic to attack, a giant frog manifested in the air, before it turned purple once the weirdly enthusiastic member of midnight sun injected something into it

It attacked Klaus who was guarding Asta and swept him away towards the group.

"Alright! We have captured him," the girl yelled in excitement.

"What do you intend to do with him," Klaus shouted in panic, he had a debt that he owed Asta for saving him.

Yuno had also arrived, but he was in no condition fight and would only serve to burden the group.

Just as Valtos, a member of the midnight sun was about to use the teleportation ability to retreat along with Asta.

And everyone could only watch as the perpetrators of the attack on capital were about to run away.

Robin arrived as the air around them trembled, Valtos who was smiling victoriously along with the others couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

The giant vanished into thin air and Asta was released as well.

Robin who had arrived had used pure pressure and his suppression ability to suppress Valtos and his group's magic.

Rendering them useless,

The other magic knights acted quickly, they didn't want to let go of such a situation.

Once the group was captured, everyone turned to look at Robin who had an angry expression on his face as he looked at Asta's pale face and the various injuries on his body.

He used the flames to heal Asta as fast he could, his eyes were filled with grief as he looked on.

"Damn it!" Robin shouted, he laid down Asta next to Yuno who was also sleeping calmly.

With heavy steps he approached the tied-up member of the midnight sun, before the other knights could react, He took out his sword and slashed it at Rades.

Rades couldn't understand what was going on as he felt his vision spin before he died pathetically.

Once he was dead, Robin eyed the other members with murder in his eyes, though before he could proceed, he felt someone grab him as his body was covered in a silvery liquid.

"That's enough!" Nozel yelled as he stopped Robin.

"Go to Hell!"



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