Chapter 144




Well, this is awkward, I couldn't help but ruffle my hair in embarrassment as the three women opposite to us looked at us with an observatory gaze.

From the corner of my eyes, I glanced at the reason for all this, Finral.

The guy had convinced me to go on a triple blind date with him and Asta, although I don't have many memories of my past, I know I haven't gone on any dates and all that stuff even though I was married.

'Must be an arranged marriage!' I mused to myself.

"A-Ahem! So, I am Finral, A nobleman and a magic knight of the Clover kingdom Black Bull squad," Finral introduced himself,

then nudged me. Oh! So this is where I introduce myself as well, I feel like doing this is much harder than fighting a Hollow Vasto Lorde.

"M-my name is Robin! I am also a Magic knight of black bulls squad and an intermediate ranked magic knight," I introduced myself, the three seemed to cheer up at that for some reason.

I guess I am that charming no!

Finral nodded his head as if approving of how introduced myself, then he gave Asta a meaningful look.

"A- Asta, my name is Asta, I am also a magic knight of the black bull squad, my goal is to become the magic king one day and surpass my brother," Asta stood up in as he gave his speech.

He also pointed at me as he introduced himself,

"I am from the Hage village."

The atmosphere that had started to turn jolly suddenly plummeted as the three girls looked at Asta disapprovingly.

'The Heck! These gals have a lot of gal' I couldn't help but grumble under my breath.

It seems that Finral was able to feel my anger as he quickly changed the subject.

"Aha! Lets see, I am a user of Spatial magic that allows me to move from one place to another using my magic and I can perform various spatial spells," Finral introduced his magic.

As soon as he did so the girls started clapping in delight, it seemed like they were more interested in things like these, though I had already lost my interest when I saw them belittle my little buddy.

"Spatial Magic as well," I answered plainly and looked away.


'Don't give me that look you bastard' I couldn't help but curse as I looked at Finral and his sour face.

The mood had become much worse with my lackluster introduction,

'Not like they were interested anyway,' I consoled myself.

"My magic is anti-magic, I can cancel out any magic," Asta replied as he flexed his muscle, pulling out that gigantic sword of his as he swung it around.


" So strong!"


The girls admired Asta as he grinned like a child.

"This is nothing! You should see my brother bench press boulders and stuff, he is super strong!" Asta! You are such a good wingman.

I couldn't help but give a thumbs up in my head as I looked at my little brother.

Seeing him praising me, the girls also showed interest.


We talked for a while and got to know the girls, one of them worked at a saloon, Finral was full-on flirting with her.

Then there was the other girl, she was rather quiet as well, she worked at a Bakery and had some degree of fire control.

I tried to do some small talk with her but she was too shy for her own good so I let her be.

Soon enough, Finral left with his date, I also looked at the girl in front of me, although she couldn't be considered a world-toppling beauty or anything of the sort.

Although she wasn't a beauty or anything, but she wasn't too bad either, just as Tom was about to give up, seeing that the girl was not interested.

"Umm…would you like to go for a walk," the girl asked me as I was about to stand up to leave.

"Huh, Y-yeah!"

Guess I am really handsome, hahaha

I left my brother after giving him a thumbs up.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3