Chapter 2 : Lilith Eule Faust

The sudden assertion of confidence surprised Riva. Witnessing Lilith's gentle and submissive nature, a show of pride was the last thing she expected. Lilith Eule Faust, her thoughts went back to the moment Lilith introduced herself. She had a few questions in mind for the kid, but there was a more urgent business they needed to attend to.

Without wasting one more second, Riva addressed the biggest problem at hand, [I know you just woke up, but we wouldn't be able to do much of anything if we don't find food.]

As soon as she finished saying the words, Riva suddenly felt extreme fear, welling from within. It was like something was gripping her heart to crush it, then, Lilith's heart rate spiked to full blast in seconds. Without giving her a second to think, Riva felt a presence from behind. She wanted to warn Lilith, but it seems the kid had the same idea. She quickly turned around, her eyes darting from one corner of the entrance to the another. Her breathing was erratic, she didn't do much, but she was already out of breath. Before long, her vision swayed just before turning white. Everything was covered with a thick fog that suddenly came out of nowhere.

"No!," yelled Lilith, "I can't go outside. Th...They will find me. They'll do the same to me." Lilith retreated to the further end of the cave as she held her temples with both her hands, her direction still facing the entrance. Even though she already has her back against the wall, she's still trying to force herself on it to the point where she started hurting herself. However, the kid didn't seem to mind, the only thing on her mind was to get away. One by one Lilith's tears started falling.

The kid's fear resonated with Riva. In the kid's world, everything was shaking; spinning. From every nook and cranny, there were eyes, watching every move she made as they get closer. Moreover, there are multiple presences, reaching to grab her. Her shoulders feel heavy like there's a hand pressing them to crush her into the ground. Riva felt every bit of negative emotion rising as if reacting to the kid's fear; anxiety, sadness and anger. She's scared that the people chasing her will finally find her location, she's lonely that she'll always be alone, and she resents those who made her feel that way.

Somehow, Riva knew it was a cycle of guaranteed self-destruction that will keep repeating until there was only wrath; until she can only see red. She feels something inside Lilith. Something that's best not to be awoken. Riva doesn't know what it is yet and she feels it's best not to find out.

Riva wanted to help Lilith; to reassure her. "You'll be fine, they'll never find you," "I'll protect you," "You're safe now." She wanted to make her feel better so bad, but the truth is she can't. She doesn't know how she can make that happen. As much as it hurts to admit, she's powerless. What even am I, she asked, what is my purpose? All she can do is feel her fears with her; swim in the same sea of despair and be in the same darkness of the abyss. The abyss... In that place, she also had no choice; she had to take everything in. But now, she's just a consciousness feeling everything her host feels. What if...?, she suddenly had an idea. Without giving it much thought, she put her ideas to use.

There's not much reasoning behind it; no known set of rules to follow. I don't know why, but I want to help. I want to help, so I have to try. I want to try, so I did. An illogical series of decisions, but Riva would rather call it "determination." There must be a reason I'm stuck with her, she believed. If she could trust in herself before, she can trust herself now. Even before making its way to Lilith, Riva would take them all in; all the negative thoughts, all the trauma, all the pain; mental and physical. There's no need to know why it would work, she just needed to do it and she did. Lilith is all that matters.

Slowly, Lilith's panic attack subsided, but it took some time for her to regain her normal self. "W...what?" she confusedly asked, Seeming to have also regained her vision, she lifted her head and curiously looked around, seated with her back against the wall and her hands wrapped around her knees. "Riva, are you there?" she asked. She waited a few moments, but Riva didn't answer. Normally, this, being alone, would be a cause of worry and it was, but she's unusually calm.

Not sure what to do, Lilith stood up and headed straight to the cave entrance, when... [Heya,] greeted Riva, [miss me?]

"Hmm," answered Lilith, her voice a meek, "Are you okay?" Tears started to form in her eyes. Noticing Riva's irregular breathing, Lilith knew she did something to help her calm down, although she, herself, didn't know much about the gravity of her panic attack.

[Yup, never better.] Riva answered, her tone light and joyful. "Did you d--," Lilith was going to say something, but Riva quickly cut her off. [Hey,] she said, the lightness of her tone gone without a trace. [I don't know what happened to you and you don't need to tell me, but we're stuck together, so rely on me.]

Because of Riva's sudden change of tone, Lilith didn't expect her to say such a thing. It made something inside her well up, something fuzzy and warm. She couldn't explain it, but it made her happy. She's so cool, she thought. After all the things she's been through, her guard has been up. But somehow, she couldn't help but feel some sort of kinship toward this woman. Like a sister; a sister she's never had. Huh, what going on? Her tears uncontrollably flowed. She's decided to completely drop her guard down. Just for now, she thought.

She cried and cried, but this time, instead of fear, there was just sadness. "My family, my people, they..." She shed tears for the people she lost, people that made sure she lived and because she couldn't do anything for them. After days of being chased and hunted down, she can finally mourn their deaths. She didn't hold anything back. She cried and cried, unclearly muttering about something or another. Her powerlessness makes her sick, but not as much as it made her sad. Everyone, I'm sorry, she apologized. It didn't matter to her that she was a kid. Maybe this, too, is a form of arrogance, but... she just wished she could do more. I'll be strong. I promise, as she swore on her soul, she cried and cried.

After taking a deep breath, Lilith stood up. "I think I'll be okay now," she said, "If you don't mind, may I know your full name?" Once again, her attitude has completely changed, besides the clear tracks of tears on her face and the redness surrounding her eyes, it's hard to tell she was just crying earlier. Like a different person has taken over. I should be proper about this. As a member of her village, expressing their gratefulness using their full name is the fitting way to do it.

Noticing the distinct change in atmosphere, Riva decided to go along with Lilith's request. [My complete name is Riva Tala,] she reintroduced herself, [Our first meeting wasn't on the most ideal of terms, but it was more than interesting nonetheless.]

"I guess that's true." Lilith agreed, a smile visible on her face. "I thank to Riva Tala. Truly."

[Much obliged,] replied Riva, giving off as much enthusiasm as Lilith.

She didn't want to shift gears this fast, but now that they've officially broken the ice and bonded over a shared hardship, Riva thinks they need to put priorities first; food on top of all. Riva pondered over this. She thinks Lilith wouldn't freak out once she suggests finding food again, but the uncertainties still bothered her. If only she could do it, she would, but it is a job only the kid can do. In the end, she decided it was the only thing they can do at the moment. Besides, she knows Lilith being able to get out of this cave is a big step to getting over her fear.

[Hey, Lilith. I'm not against staying in this cave since it's probably safer than anywhere else, right now,] said Riva, [but we wouldn't last much longer if we don't have any food.]

Factoring the people chasing Lilith meant that anywhere out of this cave is dangerous, but it's already been days since Lilith's eaten. Probably more than a week even, and waiting only makes things more difficult. The more time passes, the hungrier the kid gets and the more their chances of survival decrease.

Riva could feel the kid's heart rate speed up as soon as the words registered to her, but unlike earlier she was much calmer. [Hey, do you hear me?] Riva asked nicely. [Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as possible.] Just to give the kid a little more courage, she reassured her.

"Yes, I heard you," answered Lilith. "I just thought I'm okay now, but-"

[It's okay,] Riva cut Lilith off. [Getting rid of traumas isn't easy, especially for a kid like you. You have to give yourself credit for being this brave. You are not at fault, remember that. Trust me, you're a tougher girl than me when I was your age. If you can trust me, trust yourself and the stronger person you'll become.]

"Thank you. That means a lot." Hearing Riva's encouragement, Lilith couldn't help but tear up. "But since it's sundown anyways," looking out of the cave, she thought of a better idea. "Why don't we wait until nightfall."

[But wouldn't sunlight be in our favour? We wouldn't be able to see much and that just makes it more dangerous.] Riva was confused. The kid's not making any sense. She was scared earlier, but now she's talking all matter-of-factly

"Oh, I guess you wouldn't know," Lilith smiled. "You see, the reason they wanted us gone was that we're, well, special. This, at least, I can trust myself with."

Riva had no idea what she was talking about, but since the kid trusts her she decided to trust her, too. Besides, the fact that the normally scared Lilith is this assertive speaks a lot.

The two of them didn't have to wait that long for the sun to set. As the last bit of sunlight disappears, a sudden burst of familiar vigour emerged. So this is what she's talking about, thought Riva. She once thought it was just a weird phenomenon that happened when she was paralyzed, but now it made sense to her. The one getting all these heightened senses was Lilith and she's just receiving all of it through her.

Riva was amazed. The effects were much stronger, now, probably because the one getting all of the boons is awake. [Who are you?] she couldn't help but ask.

"I am Lilith Eule Faust, one of the Nihhts; Hunters of the Night."