A Promise

Wei Sizhi was actually not the first and only person Ren Jidian fell in love with.

When he was just at the cusp of puberty, at the age of 10, he fell in love with a female Alpha called Jin-Jin.

Jin-Jin was a good person. She taught him how to skate in an actual rink in the first time. She knows how to kickflip her skateboard, and didn't care at all that he keeps messing up.

She would just offer her hand when he falls down, and smile at him with those braces.

Ren Jidian really liked her a lot, and of course, Wei Sizhi knew. They tell each other everything as friends after all.

When they first met at kindergarten, they had the exact same favorite ice cream combination at their favorite shop. Caramel, double dutch, then chocolate explosion.

Ren Jidian would often joked that this made them soulmates.

Wei Sizhi would agree, saying that with all the 24 ice cream flavors, the total 3-layer combination would be 2008. They had 1/2008 chance of having the same combo as their favorite.

Since then, they were inseparable from each other, and knew each other like the back of their own hands.

Wei Sizhi was very supportive of his crush towards Jin-Jin.

Ren Jidian had never admitted his feelings for her though...

"What if she doesn't like that I want to be an Alpha like her?" He asked his best bud.

He had always known what he wanted to be even at an early age. It just naturally came to him.

And it was not just because he thought Alphas were 'cool'. Omegas can be cool too, some WAYYYYYY cooler than Alphas even.

Or that they have no heat or estrus. He only had his estrus when he turned 12.

He just wanted to.

He felt like he had always been an Alpha, he just got placed inside the wrong body.

Wei Sizhi patted his back. "If she likes you, she'll understand and accept you for who you are."

"Thanks, Zhi-Zhi. You always have my back." Ren Jidian smiled, and finally got the courage to confess to Jin-Jin thanks to his friend.

He wrote a sweet love letter, and picked up some flowers in the field to make a bouquet.

As he was about to give it to her...

He saw that Jin-Jin was no longer in the rink.

However, a notorious gang of teenage Alphas were there.

It was ruled by Jin-Jin's sister, the one they just call 'Ace of Hearts' or Hongxin Wangpai. Hongxin for short.

"Oh, look. My sister's freakish boyfriend." She came with a long, skateboard designed with bleeding heart patterns.

"I-I'm not Jin-Jin's boyfriend." He adjusted his collar. "... Yet."

"Awww..... And you're gonna confess, right? How cute. An Omega confessing to an Alpha always makes my heart burst from sweetness."

Ren Jidian's eyes brightened with hope. "Can you..... maybe help me? Get a good word in so she'll accept my confession?"

"Sure!" She smiled happily at him while popping a bubblegum. "Shall I tell her that she shouldn't waste a pretty Omega like you?"

Ren Jidian did not notice that her gang was already circling him around like a pack of wolves circling a rabbit.

He was young and naive, and too excited about the prospect of Hongxin helping him get her sister.

"Thanks, jiejie!" He grinned wide, calling her 'Big Sis'.

He then blinked as the Alphas had now finished circling him with their skateboard, and had him surrounded. "Er.... Where's Jin-Jin anyway?"

"Violin recital." She answered, and all of a sudden---

She grabbed his chin, squishing his cheeks with her long and large fingers!

"You really don't look too bad. No pimples yet.... Soft baby skin..."

Her companions agreed, chuckling like demons.

One of them reach over to sniff Ren Jidian!

"Hey!" Ren Jidian moved away. "Please don't do that, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

He had always been disgusted with Alpha pheromones, and so he was avoidant whenever they got close.

Even with Jin-Jin. But since he liked her, he developed a resistance for it.

He now got scared, and tried to run away.

But one just picked him by the collar just like how a lion would pick up a mouse by it's tail.

"Let me go! Hey! I'll call the police!" His tiny body kicked and struggled in the air.

Hongxin went over, still observing him with those revolting, lecherous eyes. It did not take too long before she---

She pulled Ren Jidian's pants down!

"Nice ass too. Looks breedable already."

Ren Jidian pulled his pants up, as all the Alphas just laughed and cackled. His face was completely red with shame.


He screamed and kept on struggling. He kept on shrieking with his high-pitched voice.


He only stopped once he felt something hard hit his cheek, causing a tooth to fall off!

It fell down on the ground, along with drops of blood.

"You're being too loud. You should be thankful that I'm praising you here." Hongxin said.

She grabbed his neck, suffocating the poor child.

"Why are we doing this? Simple. We're Alphas, we can do whatever we want."

"The world is ours. We own it, and we own all of you Omegas. You are just created to be our house servants, and to be bred like pigs."

Ren Jidian was turning purple, black spots appearing at his vision. He was dying.

He remembered his happy memories with Alphas, Jin-Jin helping him up.... That kind ice cream man that he and Wei Sizhi liked...

Wei Sizhi...

His best friend was the only one he could rely on.

He was the prettiest Omega in class, yet he also had the courage and confidence of an Alpha in him.

He wished that if Jin-Jin can't at least be here in his final moments, then Wei Sizhi would...


He heard the sound of a race car before he lost consciousness, and fell to the ground.

When he woke up, Wei Sizhi's smiling face greeted him.

"You're finally awake." He smiled, offering a glass of water.

"Where.... Where did Hongxin's group went?" He asked.

"They got involved in a car accident. You see, one of them parked their car here, but forgot to take the key. The car somehow malfunctioned, hitting them."

"But.... shouldn't it have hit me as well?" Ren Jidian asked.

Wei Sizhi just smiled, his peach blossom eyes creasing. "What a miracle, right?"

Ren Jidian was not dumb enough to not realize what happened.

Wei Sizhi saved him. He took his hand, and stood up.

As he looked at this smiling Zhi-Zhi, he pulled him into a tight hug.

"I promise. Whenever you need me, I will be there. I will protect you from this world, and keep you smiling. No matter what it takes." He said solemnly.

Wei Sizhi grinned. "And I'll do the same."

They walked out of the skating rink, only leaving a crushed love letter and flowers by muddy tire tracks, along with blood stains everywhere.

Everyone else never knew how 4 teenage Alphas ended up in the hospital and yet an Omega boy didn't.....

But it's an accident in the end, right?

After all, who would believe that a 10-year-old Omega boy distracted them with the sound of the engine starting, causing the Alphas to drop the Omega boy they're bullying....

And once they ran over to the car, he mercilessly hit them like a bowling ball hitting bowling pins?