[Smut] Happy Ending: The Scholar's Beloved (Part 3)

"Ahhhhh.... Mmmm... Nnnghh..... Ohh....."

His voice was the sweetest music Ren Jidian ever heard. He found himself thinking that he'll never get tired of his voice as Wei Wangyi lifted himself up and down on top of him.

He can see his flushed face, his delighted and tormented expression, his perfect body.....

He held onto his hips. "Yi-Yi.... I love you so much..."

Wei Wangyi went down to cling onto him. "I love you too... Ah-Guang... Ah-Guang...."

He called out his name as he moved faster and faster, holding onto Ren Jidian's hands below him.

They have not taken off their clothes yet, as Ren Jidian wanted to consummate their wedding while still wearing them.

In their simple cot, they continued to call out to each other as they continued to pleasure each other. Husband and husband, two men tied completely by this bond called love.

Wei Wangyi took the sash that he used earlier, and tied it around Ren Jidian's eyes.

"Yi-Yi.... What's this? I want to see you." Ren Jidian chuckled.

"Aha..... Hehe... I just thought that it must be fun to do this without you looking at me. You have seen my body so many times, do you never get tired?"

"Absolutely not." He leaned close to bite his collarbone exposed from the already messy robes. "I'll never get tired of you, Yi-Yi..."

"Even when I get old? When time has taken away this beauty of mine?" Wei Wangyi asked.

Ren Jidian nodded, raising his pelvis. "Even when I can barely recognize you from old age. As long as you are my Yi-Yi, I will love you eternally."

"Ahhh.... Ah-Guang, be careful with your words.... I don't know what to do with myself if you embarrass me like that...."

"Why would you be embarrassed?" Ren Jidian grinned. "It's true, Yi-Yi...."

"I love you....." He placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you....." He placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you..." He placed a kiss on his neck.

Again and again, for every kiss, he repeated the words with the same fervor as he always had. He also thrusted harder for every "I love you", sending Wei Wangyi into gasps and shouts.

"Ah-Guang.... Love me more.... Keep loving me like this.... Ahhhhh... Promise me....."

Ren Jidian nodded, the sash falling away. "I'll keep on loving you until you grow sick and tired of it. Until you can't bear it anymore, Yi-Yi."

Wei Wangyi rode his dick faster.

"I won't ever grow sick and tired of it. I only ask that with each day, you love me more instead of loving me less... Dear husband, that's all I ask..."

"Of course, my dear husband." Ren Jidian took his hand and kissed it. "I swear with my whole heart."

"Then I'm all yours." Wei Wangyi said. "Completely binded with you as long as this love lasts."

He handed out the sash to Ren Jidian.

"Hah.... What do I do with this, Yi-Yi?" He asked naively, wiping his sweat.

"You should tie my hands together with yours. To symbolize our bind."

Ren Jidian grinned. "I see....."

They changed positions, with Ren Jidian pushing Wie Wangyi down and going on top of him.

He took both of his wrist up and tied them together in a tight knot.

Then, he wrapped the end on one of his hand. "Like this?"

"Mmmm..... Like that...." Wei Wangyi bit his lip.

"Yi-Yi, is this really meant to symbolize something... Or did you just wanted me to tie you up and found an excuse for it?"

Wei Wangyi chuckled, his peach blossom eyes full of mischief. His lips colored with the tasty rouge quirked up a little as he said:

"Could it not be both? I wanted my husband to enjoy this wedding night, but I also want to enjoy more too."

Ren Jidian pulled on the tied up hands to raise Wei Wangyi's face close to his. "I'll do anything for Yi-Yi's enjoyment. All you need is to ask."

His low voice sent shivers to Wei Wangyi's spine, and Ren Jidian enjoyed this reaction very much. He went even faster, letting his husband shout his lungs out.

"Ahhhh... Ah-Guang.... More.... More...." The tied-up Wei Wangyi looked pitiful yet also so happy.

Ren Jidian did as told, and went to pump more into him. He does not care anymore if his size was small.

His Yi-Yi, his beloved, doesn't care. So why should he?

With him by his side, all his insecurities and uncertainties disappeared.

"I want to keep giving more love to you... Yi- Yi.... All I ask is to be with you more.... Just a little more...."

He kissed Wei Wangyi passionately. His husband returned this....

But felt hot tears on his cheeks.

"Ah-Guang... Is there something wrong?" He asked as they slowed down.

He used his delicate hands to wipe those tears away. "Why are you crying?"

Ren Jidian smiled, shaking his head. "Nothing. I am just very happy right now."

And it was true. He was so happy that he could cry.

But at the same time, those happy tears were also mixed with some melancholy in them.

They had their happy ending, but after this life..... Maybe even before he dies....

He'll be separated from his Yi-Yi again. From his beloved.

He had never forgotten about this fact since the start. He does not dare forget.

Even when the happiness felt so good, he never took it for granted. Because he knows it only lasts temporarily.

(All I wish.... Is for us to be happy a little longer. Just a bit longer.)

As they lay in bed, arms cuddling each other.....

Ren Jidian could not sleep. He feels a presence in the room.

[You have felt it, haven't you?]

It was not a cute goat that stood before him that night.

It was a tall, terrifying man. As dark as the darkest night, as merciless and as cold as the ocean's deepest trench, or the abyss below the earth.

[It is time, Ren Jidian. Congratulations on achieving a happy ending.]

Ren Jidian did not answer, only hugging his Yi-Yi tighter.

[I would not make it hard for you. But I do want you to know that we will not be going to the next tale right after this.]

He glared at this man. "What do you mean?"

[You have broken the script, the tragedy that was awaiting you and Wei Wangyi. I will show you first what it was that could have been, so you may value this ending more.]

".... I don't care anymore. What is your deal, Baphie? Why me? Why us?"

The man did not answer these questions.

Instead, he just said:

[Say your farewells.]

Ren Jidian looked at the sleeping Wei Wangyi in his arms, and kissed his forehead.

"I will never say goodbye to you. Instead, I'll always say..... "

"See you again, Zhi-Zhi. Please love me again next time."