A Band of Misfits and Abnormals

"A-An Alpha.... He's an Alpha..."

The prince could only stutter in disbelief.

"But how..... And why would anyone...." His face then darkened as if he realized something.

"Was it to fool Omegas to lower their guards around him?"

Ren Jidian was baffled more than ever. "What!? No!"

"Then why else?" Prince Weiford scowled. "He had me already fooled earlier. Is it not his intention to make himself appear more approachable to us by pretending to be an Omega?"

"He's not pretending." Even jolly old Petit Louis couldn't help but frown. "He never claimed to be an Omega and told us from the start."

But Prince Weiford was having none of it, still feeling wronged.

"Was it still my fault to be mistaken? Shouldn't he have dressed and acted according to the standards of his own sex?"

How can his Wei Sizhi... His Zhi-Zhi...

Be so close-minded!?

It's like seeing an apple suddenly turn into an orange!