Land Ho!

Ren Jidian and the avoidant prince never talked much for the rest of the expedition to Bohemia.

After that sudden... development between them on the first day on board, Prince Weiford had noticeably been trying his best to ignore the Omega captain as best as he could.

Ren Jidian would always greet him with a cheery "Good morning!", and the Prince would just nod.

The whole crew could sense the tension, and decided that the best way to help their captain..

Was to stay out of it.

They were pirates, after all. They were no relationship advisers, and most of them never had one themselves.

They barely even had encountered anyone that they didn't try to kill or screw over other than themselves.

Well, they did try to kill each other sometime before they went in this sip and vowed the Until-Death rule of Captain Jacoby, but that's a story for another day.