Those Eyes that Kills

Ren Jidian sat up from his bed right after closing his eyes. 

He knew he must be dreaming again. 

"I must be dreaming again....." 

It wasn't him who said that. 

On the bed beside his own, Prince Weiford also sat up around the same time. His visage was bathing under the pale moonlight outside the window of the inn they stayed at. 

Ren Jidian assumed that this dream version of the prince must be having nightmares too. 

(Even in my dreams, you are still so tense and nervous. I wish I could see you more relaxed here.)

He went over to his side, and sat at the edge of his bed. 

He took his hand, and the prince seemed a little surprised.... 

But he let him hold on to it. Even interlocking their fingers together. 

"What did you dream about this time, Your Highness? You know you could tell me, right?"

Prince Weiford looked away. "I don't know..... Could I? Could I really trust you?"