[Smut] Kill Me

"Ahn..... Hah..... Nnghh....."

Ren Jidian had never really felt anything quite like what he experienced that night.

He felt light-headed, and can barely register anything beside the rushing terror. That adrenaline to fight back, and yet.....

He also felt that desire to fully succumb into this pain and pleasure.

Prince Weiford was above him, moaning and yelling with full abandon, as he drove Ren Jidian's dick in and out of his hole.

His fingers tightened with every bounce, and he was not holding back at all. In fact, the deeper the shade of red becomes in Ren Jidian's suffocating face.....

The more he felt the desire to press harder on his veins and just break his bones too.

Ren Jidian really could not explain it in a way a normal person would understand.

The thrill of something so sickening to many.....

The thrill of having your breath taken away like this, connected as one.....