Tavern Brawl

He rushed outside to see the crew fighting with several large Alphas from the tavern across the street.

But the prince was wrong as the crew wasn't looking worse to wear.

In fact, it was these Alpha ruffians who were not looking so good. They do not seem to be in the same level of fighting and savagery as pirates, and were mostly middleclass men wearing fine clothes that were now splattered with blood.

One was bleeding on the eye, no doubt from Carpe's attack.

The other had his face fall flat on a nearby horse manure with Blitzer's wooden stump of a leg keeping it in place.

The twins had continued to twirl around with their daggers in hand and dealing impossibly fast blows while spinning like ballerinas.

Even Petit Louis was going all out and using empty wooden crates of beer to slam into his enemies' head and get them stuck there.

Only Hale Hopper seems to have no intention of fighting and was actually trying to break it up.