The Monkey and the Flamingo

Ren Jidian fidgeted with his red sash that he usuly wears to keep his thick brown locks to stay in place. But now that he took it off, his hair tumbled down over to hide his restless eyes. 

What if we run?

Those words kept on repeating on his mind as they strolled on this peaceful garden. 

What if we run..... where? Where would they run?

He remembered that before they died, he had said that they can run anywhere. He was fine with not having plans.

But the prince wasn't that type of person.

He wasn't impulsive like Ren Jidian. Even if he wanted to run away with him, his realist mentality would stop him from just eloping with an Omega. Not to mention he has a strong sense of guilt and duty towards his family that defended him after they revolted for what he have done to his Alpha friends.

The silence was overbearing, and Ren Jidian knew that if he spoke the wrong thing at the wrong time, it may cause the prince to go further away from him.