The Pirate King's Obsession

Two men kept on arguing with each other while scratching their stomachs revealed from their dirtied and torn shirts.

"I told you to keep quiet! I could have easily taken out that monkey and stole those bananas for us if you shut your mouth, Edward!"

The other rolled his eyes. "And then what? The monkey will attack you the moment you stole his food, take it back and climb all the way from the tree! The best way to get the bananas was to scare it away, Bastard Bail!"

"You call me that one more time and I'll shoot your mouth, traitor!" He aimed his pistol at him.

"With what? Your gun can only squirt water now and it doesn't have single bullet. Don't think of trying to fool me." Edward Runner sneered. "And they called you the King of Pirates, the most fearsome of all. Yet you couldn't even get bananas from a monkey."

"Then you get it!" Captain Bastian Bail scratched his chaotic shock of red hair.