Neverending Devotion

The prince and the Omega pirate captain sat by the fire for a while in awkward silence, just sipping their soup.

Ren Jidian was the first to break that silence.

"Your Highness... About that night..." Ren Jidian corrected himself. "Well, last night. Before the storm....."

"I'm sorry.". Prince Weiford said softly, shivering a bit with the big leaf around his shoulder like a shawl.

"I know. But I just want to ask first why you thought you can't tell me. And also why you were leaving in the first place." Ren Jidian edged a bit closer to him and wrapped an arm around him, resting his chin over his shoulder.

"You know how dangerous Bohemia was right now. If you intended to go back there... You know what could happen. You'll he captured again---"

"That was what I intended to happen." Prince Weiford gulped. "I was going to give myself willingly to the Prince of Prussia to stop the siege. I can't have my people continue to suffer because of me."