Happy Ending: Pirate Co-Captains (Part 1)

"Raise the sails! Hahahaha!"

They all laughed and cheered while drinking so early in the morning. Like a group of buffoons, just going back from attacking enemy ships going against Bohemia.

A new female Alpha king ruled over Prince Weiford's kingdom. Or more accurately, the now Captain Weiford.

King Alexandra gave them the blessing to port in Prague in case they have taken the route to the River Elbe and River Vltava via the Baltic Sea. As long as they swear to not attack Bohemian ships and other ones that the Crown had deemed valuable or off-limits, that is.

They were free to attack those who were considered enemies though, even fellow pirate ships.

Does this technically make them more privateers than pirates? Doesn't matter, they still consider themselves as heathens and wear the title proudly.

Carpe raised a fine goblet in-led with several gems. "Raise a glass to the Graceless Swan! The greatest pirate ship in the world!"