[Smut] A Foreign Sensation for a Robot (Part 1)

Ren Jidian gulped. 

This very precarious position accompanied by the heaviness of his breaths and the small space of the fitting room…..

How was he supposed to resist it!?

He knows very well that it was unintentional, but the way Watanabe Endo called out to him was so innocently seductive that he felt like he was losing his mind. 

"O-Ok…. Let me check if I can get it out on this part...."

His throat became itchy and raw just from his fingers lightly brushing against his skin. Watanabe Endo was so red now because he had been struggling for quite a while, and it really was so tight.

"Please hurry up and take it off... I don't want to keep Ms. Shiroi Kujaku waiting…."

Ren Jidian became annoyed by this even when he knew that the robot didn't mean to annoy him. "You're worrying about that dirty Alpha that manipulated you to her benefit?"