Game of Desires

Ren Jidian did not really expect to kiss the surprised robot. He just wanted to win the game. 

But the moment their lips touched, he felt Watanabe Endo linger on it a bit before letting go. He simply said as if surprised. "Oh, we have a tie."

Ren Jidian choked on his saliva a little, before nodding. "Yeah..."

"Let's have one more round." Watanabe Endo simply said, taking one more Pocky stick to his lips. 

This time Ren Jidian was a bit more hesitant, still reeling from the kiss. But his competitive side won't let it go until he wins. 

And so, he moved his lips and teeth faster and harder, which did assure him victory. 

In just three nibbles, he made Watanabe Endo let go of the stick. 

Watanabe Endo frowned, which somehow looked adorable with his bright and innocent face. "One more time."

They kept going, alternating between winning and losing. Eventually, they ran out of Pocky stick.