To Be One and the Same

The following days were not yet for meeting with an Alpha tester, since they were re-screening and picking a new batch due to the 'malpractice'.

Ren Jidian was told that he may choose to report to the office or not. The CEO assured Ms. Matsumoto that Young-sun would not be in the building because he went on a trip with the President. 

And so, Ren Jidian decided he would just so he could have a better working area and resources to update the features on his WE1.

He went inside with the robot, and was given the usual looks by everyone before turning back on their projects. All these jealous Alphas and Betas grit their teeth at his arrival.

But Ren Jidian could not care any less, because his eyes were focused on his very own beloved robot. He had his hand behind Watanabe Endo's back the whole time, patting it.