[Smut] Cinderella

Ren Jidian closed his eyes and groaned at the feeling of the tight walls closing around him. It was so tight that it hurt him to get inside too.

But he bear it and whispered softly. "Relax a little, Endo." 

"Ahhh….. Hahh… Mmmm….kay….." Watanabe Endo mumbled almost incoherently. 

Ren Jidian kissed his cheek. "Whatever you wish for me to do, I'll do for you. I'll make everything you've only been dreaming about to experience happen." 

He started to move while raising his legs higher. Watanabe Endo reached out to him and Ren Jidian lowered himself to be embraced. 

This was really more of Ren Jidian offering himself to his WE1 than the other way around. 

Even when he was the one pinning him down, the one giving him pain, he was still the one servicing him. 

And Ren Jidian felt that to be his very purpose. To give his beloved everything and more. All that he ask for, he would be happy to provide.