Under the Rain

Before Ren Jidian could react, Beppu Youngsun already started moving his feet to the fast beat. 

Since Ren Jidian was holding on to his waist, and Youngsun at his shoulder, he had no choice but to follow along. The other people are moving fast too, and he might get stomped on.

"I've been interested to meet you since I learned of your promotion from internship to a member of the Omega AI Department." Youngsun said. 

"Can't say the same, Director." Ren Jidian said.

He searched for Watanabe Endo, but since everyone was moving at a dizzying speed, he would lose him to a crowd of bodies. 

"Ah, I must have somehow given you a bad impression. " Youngsun smiled. "Allow me to fix that." 

Ren Jidian frowned. "How would you fix it?"

"By being a good dance partner, of course!"

He started to move very quickly to the rhythm. His movements were intense and erratic, not to mention very flamboyant.