Missing Home


Ren Jidian would obviously be stunned by this, but what was really surprising was the fact that the two Alphas had a visceral reaction to this too. 

The robot then blinked, as if not even remembering what he said. He just went over to Ren Jidian with a smile. 

"Ibuki-sama!" He hugged him. "You're back!"

Three of them wondered if it was just their imagination. But it wasn't. All of them knew that he just called his creator by a different name…..

And asked him to take him home. 

"Are you alright, Endo?" That was the question that matters for now. 

"I feel fine." Watanabe Endo said as he turned from side to side for his creator to examine him. "How about you? How was your psychoanalysis?"

"It was fine." Ren Jidian gave the two Alphas a look. 

"Did you find anything weird about my Endo?"

Youngsun only smiled at his 'My Endo'.