Two at Once

They all had ana amicable dinner, however, Hakaku came to a different conclusion compared to the others.

"I think that Endo really helped me a lot today…. But it's not enough to take away my anxieties. Could I request to continue the testing for more days?"

Shuku grinned. "But of course. Can we ask first why your anxieties are still not removed?"

Ren Jidian knew he was doing this to undermine the efforts Watanabe Endo did for this day, so he spoke up:

"Well, it has something to do with the way he have been raised. He had been a recluse since he was born. It's unreasonable to expect him to be sociable in the first day."

Hakaku agreed. "I think I am very much like Endo. We are both new to interacting with humans that were not limited to those in our background."

Watanabe Endo agreed. "I could empathize with him the most and serve as a companion to observe the outside world together. We just really need more time."