What Makes Success Sweet

Hakaku returned with a basin, towels and fresh bandages in hand, and was surprised to see the two Omegas there. 

"Oh, Ren-kun and Endo-kun." He said as he set down the basin of water to wash Maki's wound. "Why are you two here?"

"We were just looking for Maki. We meant to watch the dancers together, but not here. On the outside of the building." Ren Jidian explained. "When we can't find him, we thought to look inside."

"We're just talking about Maki's condition. You have olfactory problems, right?" Watanabe Endo said. 

"Yes….. I found it troublesome actually. My family believes I must be a broken Tainin, they even thought that an impurity must have struck my mother while she was pregnant, haha."

Hakaku turned to Maki. "Can you raise your arms please? I won't touch you with my fingers if that makes you feel uncomfortable, you'll only feel the towels."