Onsen Interactions

When they finally arrived, everybody was ready to jump at an onsen for their stiffened muscles and bones. 15 hours of winter jetlag was no joke.

Of course, this was just an expression as onsens were meant to be used with proper care. They weren't even allowed to dive or make too much noise, treating it like a swimming pool.

But the Omega AI Department nonetheless wanted relaxation the most from this activity.

"Ahh…. onsen~ Onsen~ I'm ready to get undressed at an onsen~" One of them sang sluggishly after they had their meal.

Another one followed. "I wish to bathe with a pretty Omega in an onsen~"

They first had to settle their things in their individual rooms. Most of them were actually assigned rooms for four people, in order to keep that 'team' spirit. 

However, an exception was made for the only Omega member of the team. Ren Jidian gets his own room that's supposed to accommodate three more people.