Coughs and Love

The following day, they went downhill to finally enjoy some 'leisurely' time after all the team building activities. There was much in store for them besides the mountains of Hokkaido.

The streets also had its charm despite the cold and the thick layers of snow. They were lucky to pick a calmer day where the snow just fell lightly and the breeze was not so bad.

Still, it was still pretty chilly and so it caused couples to be a bit touchy and clingy to each other.

Ren Jidian was no exception to this. And Watanabe Endo may act calm, but deep down he also wanted to be a bit more affectionate with him now that they have a chance to explore Hokkaido.

"Right. This is your first time traveling outside of Tokyo, huh, Endo?" Ren Jidian put an arm around his shoulder as they surveyed the city square.

(He's like a mind reader), Watanabe Endo thought. (Or maybe he just knew me that much.)