The Yearning of Darkness

By the time they made their way back to the mountain, it was already nighttime. The streets have a different air during this, as the soft and warm lights served as their only guide for the hike back up.

Ren Jidian noticed how Watanabe Endo seemed upset with him. He sighed. The call really wasn't something he could talk about…..

Because it was from fucking Baphie!

He suddenly received a call from the annoying goat just after he made the speech to Ms. Matsumoto. 

He wasn't even sure if it worked because her reaction was just in shock, and she never spoke a word. 

The call was from an unknown number. 

"How was the little happy time I gave you going? You shouldn't be wasting it on useless side characters, you know." The voice on the other side chuckled. 

"After all….. You never know when the climax really begins."