Don't Be Heartless

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The four escapees from Beppu Inc. watched the uploading screen with much anticipation. They need it to upload properly at the exact moment. Any trouble would indicate fate not being by their side.

Which it often was. 

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They keep another eye on the TV screen in the small joint hotel rooms they have rented. 

It was the live global broadcast of the company as they launched the Watanabe Endo 1.0 robots. Once they have hijacked this broadcast, they must prepare for a battle to stay in the spotlight. 

Hanami Kocho had that covered. She had volunteered and claimed to have superior skill over the matter of hacking, and so they let her take the reins. 

Wei Sizhi and Ren Jidian wondered if Ms. Matsumoto was not surprised by this because she thought she just had this function as an advanced AI…..

Or if she already knew the truth about her past.