Command and Control

"What's this?" Ren Jidian flipped the memory card over and over.

The Watanabe Endo copy smiled. "I believe it's a memory card, Ibuki-sama."

Ren Jidian felt a little weird with how he smiled at him just like how the old Watanabe Endo does before he became merged with Wei Sizhi's memory and personality. 

But at the same time, it's different enough to give uncanny valley vibes. It was too unsettling.

"We really should get your faces altered a little so we can differentiate who's who." Ren Jidian said. "Anyway, I know it's a memory card. But…."

"Who gave it to you?"

"Someone with black hair reaching up to the end of his neckline, and glasses. He was also in a very pristine and fine suit." The WE1 copy said. 

Wei Sizhi and Ren Jidian's eyes widened, then looked at each other. They both said at the same time:


So before his death, he left this memory card behind!?