Asking for Help

Ren Jidian watched the videos again and again, and suddenly felt frustrated for some unknown reason.

Besides the facts that had been established before, the two were not talking about any new information he needed at all.

Agape and Shuku just continue to talk in therapy-like sessions where Agape helps Shuku overcome his grief with Youngsun's death.

Which was great and all, except that it was mostly emotional talk and not really giving any new insights about Youngsun, or Bappu Heizo, or even Shuku himself. 

"Have I hit a dead end now for this plan? Is this all that I'd really get from them?" He swayed from side to side on his swivel chair. 

He started coughing, and took a handkerchief. 

There was blood.

And he wasn't really surprised. This wasn't the first time that happened.