A Fine Resolution

Managing the robots in the island and serving as the security official was not the only task that Hanami had.

She also supervises the forums and social media groups that was pushing the #Don'tBeHeatless movement. 

Using the connections she had carefully made like a web that would catch any news and information, she had caught a certain one from the main personalities involved with the advocacy. 

[MOLOCK: We received news that the factory that Beppu collaborated with in Egypt had just exploded. ]

Hanami's eyes widened.  First, one of their ships had exploded. And not even 2 days afterwards, a factory of Beppu had also exploded?

She quickly called in Ms. Matsumoto's attention, who narrowed her eyes at this news. 

"Ask them what time this had happened." Ms. Matsumoto said. 

Hanami responded to her informant using her code name in the forum. 

[Flower Butterfly: At what time and day did this happen?]