The Promise of Judgement Day

"What? That doesn't make any sense!" Michael exclaimed. "Are you sure you have been to Pleroma? You could have been lost on some other place with much light—"

"I am not mistaken, Vanquisher. I have been to Pleroma before this." Samael said, looking distant. "Even before you have manifested from Monad. This is why I could venture there. Have you forgotten what my name meant?"

Michael's eyes widened. Right. All the angels have 'El' in their names, because that shows that they were of God, of Monad. 

And yet Samael, a 'demon', also had 'El' in his name and some had even believed him to be an angel. 

"I am the Venom of God. And it could be interpreted as a venom from God, or a venom that kills Him. Because I function in both ways. That is why I am considered a neutral force even among the Archons. I preside over the Death of Good, yet also the Death of Evil."