Arrows Pointing All Around

After Ren Jidian tried to fall back to sleep from that strange dream with the winged Prince Hyacinthos and General Euandros, he was awakened by something.

Some voice in his head beckoning him to 'Wake up and follow your beloved'. It didn't sound like Baphie's voice, but it did sound familiar. He thought it might be alluding to Hyacinthos so he woke up with a start. 

Instead, he saw that the bed next to him was empty.

"General Euandros?" He mumbled and called out. 

But he was nowhere to be seen. He noticed that the cloth that covered the windows had been parted, and so he looked down. It was a pretty tall height, but he had no doubt that a strong warrior could just jump from that height like nobody's business. 

[Hurry. Jump now, and follow him.]