[Smut] Aphrodisiac

On the 5th month of General Euandros' disappearance and 1 month after the king's return, there had been tension in the air that only Ren Jidian seemed to not have noticed. 

He was too focused on tutoring his beloved Prince Hyacinthos. And the prince was too good at acting like he was alright…

In truth, he was actually anxious over the fact that the king had never come to see him. Not even once. 

Did Saklas tell him about his plans? No, that was unlikely. 

So far he had been surveilling their actions, and all they ever did was escape into the Underworld, possibly to communicate in secret. The Underworld was not something his eyes could see, it's too much of the Void for a creature of the Light to notice. 

He can see a little bit of Elysium, but the rest was a blindspot. Dionysus probably knew this, he's clever enough to realize his weaknesses.