The First Rebel

They continued taking a trip down memory lane, this time about the college years where Wei Sizhi took medicine in the prestigious Shenzong University. While Ren Jidian only studied Tourism in a community college, because he couldn't pass the exams on anything else and his father insisted on it.

As they talked about the differences in their university years….

Wei Sizhi suddenly remembered that he did leave behind his companions to buy medicine for baby Phoinixe. He needed to make sure they got the right one, and they must be waiting for him. 

"How long has it been?" Wei Sizhi asked. "I lost track of time, it almost felt like I had spent years just strolling with you."

Ren Jidian looked at the sky. "Nighttime hasn't come yet. Judging from the direction of the sun, it must have only been three or four hours since we got here."