
When Pegasus landed over the cave, Ren Jidian and Euandros did not expect that every single one of the defectors would be already waiting for them at the entrance of the cave. Even Phene was there, breastfeeding baby Phoinixe with a spear in hand. 

Euandros smacked his own forehead. "Oh, gods…. So much for trying to land stealthily." 

They all soon let go of their spears and swords in shock at the majestic mythical creature before their eyes. 

"Is that really....."

"What in the world...."

Euandros disembarked from the horse's back first, raising his hand. 

"It's alright. The horse is under his control, and it won't be attacking us—"

The warriors quickly ran to the horse like excited little children that saw their teacher bring a puppy to school. 

"Are you a new hero like Bellerophon!? Teach us your ways to tame the beast!"

"He must be a demigod! But which god had sired you? Zeus? Poseidon?"