The Truth is a Curse

"The truth is a curse, and it is a curse I have to bear."

When he said those words while they were young and just born from the rays of sunlight, Raphael did not think much of it.

He was still Libbiel at that time, and that man was still Uriel. They guarded the gates of Eden, protecting the first of mankind from all the dangers of the world that awaits them. 

It was on the 7th day, when the Creator was asleep. As soon as he slept…..

Monad created the angels, as if preparing for some unforeseen event. He created the barriers of Eden to keep the humans safe from other creatures of the Void. After all, the Void always comes first before the Light. Some hellborn demons have all naturally existed before angels.

"The first was Justice, the second was Peace. The third was Truth, and the fourth was Love. Justice and Peace born at the same time, then Truth and Love. Do you notice a pattern?" Uriel asked him, flaming sword in hand.