Remember Your Place

Meanwhile, within the borderlands of an angel's mind.... 

Bountiful nightmares await. 

And the worst part was that these nightmares foretold an unavoidable future. He had never been able to move in these nightmares. Instead, he could only stand and watch like a passerby, unable to even interfere with them.

He could see himself, feel what he should be feeling at that moment. If he was stabbed, he will feel the piercing pain and his warm blood spreading. 

But he was also separated from himself, playing the role as both actor and audience.

And the show for tonight was...


He stood in horror as he saw Baphomet entangled with someone inside what seems to be a hotel. It was himself, yes, but he knew that it wasn't himself either. He couldn't feel what he was supposed to be feeling. He couldn't feel his beloved's embrace, the kisses, the warmth…..

And when they turned, he saw himself looking hollow and vacant.