Buddha and Mara

When Agares woke up from the dream, he felt his body was hurting all over. He mumbled a string of colorful curses while rubbing his eyes. 

"This bitch just knocked me out! What in the 9 domains of Kenoma was he thinking, just knocking me out like that!? Oh, I'm seriously gonna return that to him tenfold later—"

He raised his hand to start beating the other Archon up. But then he stopped when he saw Asmodeus' sleeping face, so beautiful that it was almost as if the gods sculpted it to be the embodiment of perfection itself. 

Agares' eye twitched and he growled in frustration. 

He turned to Tanyn, who was guarding them all this time with a large smile on its face. Crocodiles could actually purr and love to nuzzle on people, and Tanyn was no exception. When he saw his master in a bad mood, he went to rub his forehead on Agares' abdomen while purring as if in comfort.