Frighteningly Beautiful

Wang Hwi-in brewed his coffee black. No cream, no sugar. Just black. 

He was going to practice with the other members for their next comeback song. It certainly wouldn't feel the same without Yuri, though. But that's life for you. 

It takes the innocent, and lets the evil prosper. Nothing new about that. 

He hummed to himself as he finished his coffee, not eating anything for breakfast either to maintain his slim figure. Because of the comeback, he had to be in his best shape possible. If he even gains a few pounds, it might already cause a scandal and spread rumors. 

He remembered poor Jae-ya from another Omega group under Paradis, Vix-en. It was an all-girls Omega group, and Jae-ya was a close friend of his. 

She gained a few pounds because of depression and then everyone was suddenly making assumptions that she got pregnant and had to abort the baby. It's a disgusting affair but….