Doctor of the Madhouse

Roh Eunwoo often jokes with fellow patients that Dr. Jung Yohaji's name literally means 'unimportant'. If he was going to be in a sitcom, he'd definitely be that unimportant side character that was meant to just be mildly annoying and have no relevance to the plot besides having a sexy Omega spouse that the main character has a crush on.

He does find Dr. Choi Ciel quite attractive, so maybe he was projecting a bit. But there was also something a bit….. off about him.

He can't point his finger on it. Maybe it's the disheveled hair that always looks like he just came out of the shower, covering almost his whole face like that one Japanese movie with a ghost lady in a well. Maybe it's just the aura that he exudes. 

Either way, Roh Eunwoo was sure that Dr. Choi Ciel was not right in the head either. He might even be crazier than him. 

He'd still smash though.