Red Fox

[I like Wein the most, then next is Yuri, then Sangria, then GaBie.]

[For real? But Sangria is so tall and chunky]

[Yeah, he's not cute at all. But at least he pulls off the badass personality well. He's pretty funny and witty too]

[He looks like an Alpha to me]

[Maybe he's A/O intersex?]

[Nah, probably just a bit of an A-esque]

[His nose, chin and face could be smaller. His company should get him surgeries fast or he will fall off more than GaBie]

[Guys, he's probably trans lol]

[Ewww, don't accuse our Sangria of that. Can't we A-esque Omegas get representation in the idol industry smh?]

[Are you saying transubsexuals shouldn't get representation either?]

[Lol, why would they need representation? Why should we promote mental illness? The West is already full of those freaks, leave Asia alone]