House Lothbrok

I'm gonna be busy for a while so no chps till Wednesday!!!

There's a new author making a new Fic called.

Reborn in Pacific rim as a pilot.

He's asking for suggestions to help him out.


Rickard Stark POV.

'This man says he is no wildling, but is a Viking, he is a very good fighter, from what I've seen is fast and strong.'

"Lord Stark I can see you are questioning my proposal but look at it this way if I fail you stand to lose nothing but if I accomplish my goal you stand to gain a strong and loyal ally to the north," Bjorn says with conviction.

"Well I think-" I get cut off by my wife Lyarra.

"This is not the place for such discussions," Lyarra says.

"The lady is right," Bjorn says.

"Fine, will you accompany us on our journey back to Winterfell, and then I'll decide on your proposal," I say.


Bjorn whistles and from behind us a little black wolf pup with red eyes walks toward Bjorn. Once it gets to Bjorn it stops and he pets it.

Alright, we have some horses tied to a tree over there, let's go.

"Not yet," Bjorn says while walking toward the Giant bear, he starts to skin the bear.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I am skinning the bear to make a coat do you have people in winter fell who can do such things?" Bjorn asks.

"Yes, that bear coat is extremely tough it will make a fantastic fur coat," I say this and Bjorn just nods.

Bjorn POV.

It has been 4 days since we have started our journey to Winterfell I can now see it in the distance during this time I have become very close with Brandon Stark he is a very strong aspiring warrior he reminds me of my younger self.

(2 hours later)

We have arrived in Winterfell everyone was shocked to see my armor I asked Brandon why they were looking at me weird he said it was because there as never been someone with Valyrian Steel armor, and when he told me this I just started laughing.

"Brandon lead Bjorn to the coat maker and then bring him to the guest house, Bjorn get some rest, and tomorrow we will have our discussion," Rickard says. (Would it be a tailor? Instead of a coat maker?)

"Ok," Brandon says.

Brandon starts to take me toward a building, when we get inside I hand my bear fur to the man and ask for him to make me the finest coat he agrees, and Brandon tells him it's at the request of Lord Stark. The man's eyes go wide and immediately gets to work on it.

Brandon then walks me to the guest house.

"See you tomorrow Bjorn I do hope father allows you to become a Vassal," Brandon says.

"Yes, the north will become strong with me at its side," I say back.

Brandon closes the door I sit on the bed.

'This world seems vast I wonder what adventures ill be able to go on, what will I be able to accomplish.'

(The next morning in the lord's hall.)

I walk into the hall and see lord Stark, Lady Stark, Brandon, 2 other boys, and 1 little girl.

"My lord I didn't know you had more children," I said while chuckling.

"Yes, this is Eddard Stark, Benjen Stark, and Lyanna Stark," Rickard says while pointing at them.

"Hello, My name is Bjorn Ironside."

"Ok, let us start our discussion. Once again Bjorn why should I let you be my only vassal beyond the wall." Rickard says while staring at me. But when everyone in the room heard what he said their eyes went wide.

"B-Beyond the wall why would someone want to go there." a man sitting in front of Lord Stark says while scoffing.

"I want to go and save the free people, the world as a whole has given up on them, but once they are on our side the North as a whole will become stronger."

What just because you are a man you think you can be a hero, You are nothing more than a boy. The man says while scoffing Lord stark was about to say something but I looked at the man and said.

"I may be nothing but a boy, But Not every male is a man, Not every man is a man. Because the word birds combines Chickens and Halks." I say while looking at the man.

"Well said" lord Stark says.

"Lord Stark, I want what nobody else has had, but to get that I am willing to do what no one else has done.

"I understand, I will allow you to go beyond the wall." Lord Stark says with a smile.

Let me call my maester

(5 minutes later)

"What will your house name be?" the maester

"House Lothbrok."


Sorry for the short chapter. I'll be busy till Wednesday so no chapters till then.