Murderous side

"Hold on." Another one of the bandits spoke up after noticing that Loki was alive.

"What's wrong?" the leader asked, but before he could turn back, Loki used the wind to accelerate himself and appear behind the leader instantly and stabbed the leader in the neck. The leader started goggling, unable to speak or scream.


The girl screamed, and one bandit jumped toward Loki, but he dodged and used the blade of his pocket knife to stab one in the eye. The other bandit immediately tried to use his dagger, but Loki received a blow into the stomach. Then using both hands, Loki twisted the dagger still inside his stomach, and the bandit dropped the dagger.

"This is so much fun!" Loki grinned like a maniac while taking the knife out of his body. He healed himself and held the knife tightly in his hand.

"Fucking esper!"

His opponent tried to attack again, but Loki managed to dodge again. Soon the bandit was running away from him, but when the girl stepped back and started chanting a spell, Loki quickly slashed her throat. She gasped loudly and collapsed onto the ground. Suddenly, Loki was shot from the back.

He turned to face the shooter, who wet his pants after seeing his buddies getting murdered in cold blood. It was the same guy who pointed his finger at Loki at the beginning.

"Embarrassing." Loki laughed coldly. "You can't stand the sight of your friends being murdered?"

Before the man could do anything else, Loki sent a wave of wind toward the gunman. The blast caused him to fly backward, landing on his back at the wall with an audible thud. The man hit his head and was heavily bleeding.

"Tsk." Loki clicked his tongue after the failed attack. He was trying to use a wind blade and slash his opponent, but instead, it blew the bandit away.

"P-please, don't kill me! I have a wife and..."

"And you should have thought about them before trying to murder an innocent citizen." Loki cut him off.

"No!" The man yelled with tears and snot dripping down his face. He scrambled to his feet to try and run. Loki caught him by the arm and slammed the man against the wall. Loki punched him into the stomach and the man started coughing while saying: "*cough* I-... I don't consent... *cough* to this duel!"

"As you said," Loki smirked and thrust the knife into the man's chest. "I will be fine, as long as they won't find your bodies."

The man loudly grunted as he fell to the ground unconscious and bled out.

"Wow." Loki breathed out. He looked down at the bodies and didn't even feel satisfaction. However, he didn't feel disgusted as well. All he felt was a strong sense of sadness, loneliness, confusion, and anger. Suddenly, there was a sudden movement in the corner of his vision. He looked around and spotted the bandit that was trying to run away. With another wave of wind, the assassin was knocked down to the ground and lay motionless at Loki's feet.

He killed every single bandit, and after looting their wallets, he realized something. He doesn't have a way to get rid of the bodies. He was starting to feel nervous, so he called his brother and asked him to come. Alone.

"Please, Darv! It's an emergency!" Loki pleaded. "Please, bro! I need you!"

Darvin seemed annoyed, but when he heard Loki's desperate voice, he drove as fast as he could. And in 15 minutes he was there. He knew that something bad must have happened. However, even in his wildest dreams, he couldn't have guessed that Loki was capable of fighting, not to mention killing. But now, he was staring at eight dead bodies: seven men and a girl.

"Shit! Loki, how the fuck did you do this." Darvin pointed at the corpses.

"They attacked me..." Loki's pride fully answered. "And I awakened my superpowers!"

"Oh my god…." Darvin sighed. "Let's get rid of the bodies." Darvin pointed his palm at the dead bodies, which were engulfed in fire the next moment. It kept burning blue flame until the bodies were completely turned to ashes. Then it waded away. After the fire disappeared, Darvin put his hand on Loki's shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. He continued until all the bodies were gone.

"Thank you." Loki smiled at him gratefully and proudly repeated himself. "Oh, and I have powers now.

"Seriously?!" When confused within faded away, Darvin yelled. "That's fucking awesome!"

"Yeah." Loki laughed softly. "Shall we celebrate?"

"So, what do you have in mind?" Darvin inquired.

Loki frowned, pondering. "Whiskey, beer, cigarettes, and lots of television."

"Alright." Darvin agreed. "It's on you, though."

Loki nodded, and the two went shopping to buy some alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. When they entered Loki's room, they found it empty and clean, just like they expected.

After the two bottles of beer, they drank whiskey and watched TV, finally exhausted enough to sleep. Loki passed out drunk, leaving his elder brother wide awake. He picked up the remote control and switched through a bunch of channels until he landed on a documentary about the history of space.

"Boring." Darvin changed the channel and saw the news.

In the news, the reporter said that the son of an extremely powerful governor was missing, and there was a huge reward for any information. Darvin groaned. "Boring!"


The next day when Darvin woke up, his alarm rang, and the sound echoed throughout his small apartment.

"Ugh." He groaned and buried his head deeper under the blanket. He woke up with a stronger hangover than ever and wondered when did he pass out last night.

He stretched his arms and yawned. Then, he remembered he had left the bottle of beer. He stood up and grabbed the bottle of alcohol. Maybe it will help ease up the hangover.

When he made his way to Loki's door, it slowly opened. Loki appeared and sat in the bed, his arms around his knees, looking gloomy. His hair was messier than ever.

"Hey." Darvin greeted him and offered him a bottle but sadly, Loki was still half asleep. "Here."

Darvin still couldn't believe that his brother had not only awakened two abilities but if they were so opulent. How did he do this? He wasn't born a noble.

Loki looked cute sleeping, though. His dark hair was sticking up, and some were covering his eyes. His mouth was open slightly, and his chest rose and fell with breaths.

The scene made Darvin think back to his younger days.

After Darvin finished the bottle alone, it was midnight. He went to his bed. He climbed under the covers and stared out the window. He thought about the day, and despite the gore he witnessed, he enjoyed that his brother called him for help, not someone else.