
The first thing he had done in search of Juri was to visit Blake's place. He knocked at the door using the fancy dragon knocker that Blake had installed on the front door. It was louder than even he had expected.

Even though he swore to himself that he wasn't applying that much force, it still echoed throughout the house. It gave a hollow ringing sound like what was reflected in his heart now that Juri was gone or maybe he was just heavy handed.

Marino thought Selene would have opened the door but was surprised to see it was Blake himself. Blake looked just as surprised to see him standing outside his door.

It was late in the day but Blake looked disheveled like he had just crawled out of bed. His clothes were stained and rumpled plus he nursed a brandy bottle in his right hand. The scent of liquor on him was strong like he bathed in brandy and it seeped through his pores.

If he felt embarrassed for Marino to see him that way he didn't show but judging by his telltale reaction he probably thought it was delivery and not someone from high society. Blake always carried himself in his best attire when amongst the other socialites.

He knew how much Marino hated coming to what he considered the slums of the Vampire kingdom. Marino's patience was running low but he needed to ask politely to speak with Selene.

"Everything okay my good friend?" Blake inquired.

Marino hesitated at first before answering, he had to choose his words carefully since Blake was not a real human sympathizer per say and wouldn't want to have anything to do or get involved with a search for a missing human girl.

Blake was lobbying for a higher seat on the Vampire Council and would not risk anything to jeopardize his goals. The only reason Blake had taken Selene in and provided her with a roof over her head was because he owed Marino a favor.

Selene made a good bed wench but he didn't really treat her with any respect as far as Blake was concerned Selene wasn't much better than a foot stool. Sometimes Marino wondered who hurt Blake, not that it was any of his business but Blake seemed to hate women and Marino was sure there was an intriguing story behind all that hurt feelings.

"I'm here to retrieve Juri."

"Your human pet, I haven't seen any sign of her."

"Perhaps you can let me have a word with Selene then."

"Sure, anything to help out a friend." He opened the door and gestured for Marino to have a seat at a nearby armchair. Marino politely refused he had no intentions of staying any longer than necessary.

"Selene get your lazy arse down here this instant, we have a guest."

"I'm coming, my master," came Selene's hasty response.

The stairs squeaked as she inched her way down the spiral staircase. Selene had not been feeling well these last few days and looked very pale in the face. Her movements were slow and awkward, as she relied heavily on the banister to make her way down the stairs.

She looked a far cry from the feisty person with a fiery personality that Juri had originally described her to be. Marino felt a sense of guilt at how Selene looked; perhaps he had erred in his judgment in thinking that Blake would have been a perfect fit for Selene as an eligible bachelor with a home of his own.

Maybe he should have tried harder but now that Selene belonged to Blake his hands were tied and he would be unable to intervene without causing a rift between himself and Blake.

Marino reminded himself that now was not the time to make enemies; he needed as many allies on his side as he could get.He made a promise to himself that when his search for Juri was complete and she was safely in his arms.

He would ensure that he paid another friendly visit to Blake and strongly impress upon his friend that Blake should treat Selene a lot better, like he had originally promised when he agreed to the bargain.

Of course Selene had no knowledge of Juri's impending visit and was not forthcoming with any new ideas about her possible whereabouts which frustrated Marino to no end. He felt like he hit a brick wall and the pistol weighed heavily in his pants pocket.

Out of desperation he started asking around the market if anyone had seen her, going to great lengths to describe her in detail. He had almost given up hope when a fruit vendor recalled seeing her observe his wares before taking a detour through a side lane.

He went in the general direction the fruit vendor had pointed out and it led to a dark alley. His Vampire senses wasn't picking up anything at first but he felt the niggling feeling to look around and search and that's when he saw one of his market bags.

Marino knew it belonged to his household because of the crest, even though it was no longer cream but now a dingy dirty color as it had rained and been pushed to the side near a filthy drain mixed in with all the other nasty debris that littered the alley way.

He wouldn't be able to use his nose to track Juri's whereabouts from here but he knew someone who could. That in itself was the next problem, it was dangerous to use this person if the Vampire Council ever became aware of this person it could create a shit storm.

That he could never live down but to save Juri that was a chance he was willing to take. Marino thought that was a hurdle but the greater one was would the infamous tracker even agree to accept this mission in the first place.

To do such a mission could lead to life threatening danger and the tracker may not want to get involved. Even though the tracker was a legend and the very best but for personal reasons put that past behind and chose to lead a quiet life now.

Marino would never force anyone to do his bidding if the tracker refused he would have to find someone else but he would at least ask.

"I see you come empty handed today." Eileen chuckled to herself then continued speaking, "I smell not only the stench of the fish market but also sadness and desperation. I guess it means that you failed to find Juri and bring her home."

Marino said softly, "I hate to ask it but -"

"You need my help. Well you're in luck tonight is a full moon, so my sense of smell is heightened and at its peak but you must return me before darkness falls as per our agreement."

"I know…I really hate to get you involved in this mess."

"It can't be helped, besides I like the young lass. She's been a good influence on you too, you've been such a downer these last few decades."

"I'm glad she's got your stamp of approval. I knew there was a reason you didn't eat her when she wandered in here."