


"Somebody help me, please."

Juri begged but her cries went unheard. All she could do was pound her fist against his upper chest as he hovered over her body. His breath stank, a combination of what he ate earlier and a few rotten teeth that he never bothered to get taken care of at the dentist.

He was perspiring heavily despite the chilliness of the night and the sweat rolled down his face and pooled at his chin until it splattered like teardrops on Juri's face. Utterly disgusting, everything about him sickened her, from his smell like he hadn't bathed properly these last few days to his black heart that would seek to take advantage of a woman.

The fat pig's zipper was stuck in his excitement to get to Juri's snatch. He cursed at it, but he could take his own sweet precious time since the party wouldn't end until dawn and no one would notice that they were missing. Since lots of consenting couples had separated for their own private dalliances.