
Juri woke up hearing Riva's soft voice repeatedly call her name. When speaking hadn't worked Riva had taken to shaking her for ample effect until she stirred. Her eyes were heavy to open and filled with matter, she blinked, "Riva?"

"Yes, my lady, Adolph said to wake you, make sure you eat and are ready for today's engagements."

The sun was heavy in the sky and could not be blotted out, there would be no returning to sleep for now. Just how long had she slept, maybe it was a good thing Riva brought breakfast as it could keep the migraine that threatened to rear its ugly head at bay.

Breakfast was a blur; she couldn't even describe what she ate. She just knew it was some variation of very sweet porridge and a slice of fruit she did not recognize. Juri wiped the porridge from her chin with a cloth napkin, maybe she should just go back to bed.