
Juri pointed,"Look at that sea creature, what is it? I've never seen the likes of it before. It's huge but beautiful. I don't recognize it at all."

"That is the king of all Portuguese Man of war, I wonder what he is doing so far up, he normally stays hidden within the bottomless abyss. Some would say this is a bad omen," answered Ruel.

"You are always so superstitious," teased Riva with a smile in her voice.

Ruel couldn't help himself; he automatically found himself smiling in response. Riva had to know by now that she could easily wrap him around her little finger because he was so besotted with her. He enjoyed the company of the women more than he should.

Just to think that a whole new world existed under the sea still blew Juri's mind to this day. She still marveled at the beauty of the landscape the further they traveled away from Merfolk Kingdom.