
"Let me get this straight, all this time you were with me, you didn't think my clothes were appropriate?"

Marino was to blame again for the downward spiral in conversation, he had simply remarked that when they returned to his side of the world. He would buy her a whole new and complete wardrobe.

He grimaced and then glanced at her again he knew she wasn't going to like what he had to say. No wonder she was always on the run for her life, the outfits that she wore were just too gaudy and revealing. It drew more attention to her body than he liked.

"You never did answer my first question."

"Which was?"

"Is there nothing in that chest of yours that you can wear without it revealing some part of your body."

Silence. She frowned at him. Ari didn't like where this conversation was going. Eileen said that Marino was never the marrying type; he had been a bachelor until he took his last breath. He had told Eileen that he would never marry.