
All week-long Elyon followed Juri like a lovesick puppy forever yapping at the back of heels. Showering her with compliments but still she paid him no mind and did not take him seriously until this morning. It saddened him that she was getting married to someone else, not him.

"You are becoming a demon for work like Flo," he teased. "Don't you want to play?"

"I'm getting married soon and there is so much to learn. I'm grateful to Flo for having the patience to teach me in a few days what it took her years to learn. All these duties, responsibilities and unwritten rules of royalty are quite overwhelming to comprehend."

"Flo can spare you for a few moments. Come with me there is a lovely park nearby. We shall do fun lighthearted things, like frolic in the grass, pick wildflowers and watch the bird's mate."

"Surely, you jest. Flo will never let me out of her sight."