
"We are being followed, just laugh and continue to act like we are ignorant and happy with our winning streak at the gambling den tonight," said Eileen.

Now that Eileen mentioned that they were being followed, Nana became jumpy, she began to see movement from the corner of her eyes and even in the shadows. She kept hearing sounds behind her although it was probably her racing heartbeat.

Nana even heard a twig snap loudly, with a whimper of fear she glanced over her shoulder. The urge to look was her undoing yet she didn't see anything but shadows and trees. She felt too old for this excitement. The last thing Nana wanted to be doing was clutching at her heart.

"I'm scared," whispered Nana.

"Don't be, if push comes to shove, I'll bluff and talk our way out of danger."

Nana shuddered, "What if that doesn't work?"

"Then I'll fight and you'll find somewhere to hide until I'm done."