
"Do not go over there and make a fool of yourself," Queen Lenora's voice and warm hand was enough to stop Juri dead in her tracks.

Juri looked her mother in law dead in the eyes and said, "Let go of me."

"I will if you promise to go with me quietly," Queen Lenora responded, head held high and as regal as ever.

Juri glanced up at the Queen, and down again, the Queen never once flinched from the coldness of Juri's freezing stare. Sensing that the Queen was determined to stand in her way Juri acquiesced, nodded her head and allowed the Queen to lead her to an unoccupied bench where they could sit and talk with some measure of privacy.

Juri took a seat on the wooden bench. Queen Lenora quickly sat beside her and spoke.

"Welcome to the married life of royalty, my dear. You must learn that just because you have married my son does not mean that you have the respect of his people. You will soon come to learn that respect is earned not given."